In each country students produced some questions then, using eTwinning forum, they choosed 20 of them.
For a more efficient way of choosing questions, students did as follows:
Portugal chooses 4 questions proposed by France.
France chooses 4 questions among those proposed by Spain.
Spain chooses 4 questions among those proposed by Italy.
Italy chooses 4 questions among those proposed by Latvia.
Latvia chooses 4 questions among those proposed by Portugal.
Al Ándalus team created the app (a web version is developing) and ISIS Romero developed a version of the logo with more accesibility for mobile phones.
Click on the icon to start the download on your PC or to install the app in your mobile (android)
On occasion of Safe Intenet Day each school worked on sexitng.
In Portugal, students created an handbook with best practises against this problem.

During the mobility in Italy, a group of students of different nationalities began to think about a comic set in our days, during the pandemic, against gender violence.
During the C4 mobility the students created a comic strip against gender violence using the pandemic period as the setting
Students collaborated in the creation of the plot of two stories on gender violence in the past and in the future (according to these suggestions)
Then they developed the scripts and filmed them in Marmande
Video against gender violence produced collaboratively by the students using the 60s and 70s period as the setting
Video against gender violence produced collaboratively by the students using the future as the setting
POEMS 25/11/2021
On occasion of the International day for the elimination of violence against women 2021, students' wrote some poems in English or in thei mother tongue.
They read them during a public events in Albino
Click here to download the PDF